April 23th, 2024:

Congratulations to Yao Fei and Qihang Wu for our first work about single-neuron mesoscale connectome, published on Nature Communcations . This study combined single-neuron projectome, computational modeling and wide-field calcium imaging of mice to reveal the anatomical and functional principle of interhemispheric connectivity. All data are public available (see paper for detail).

Mesoscale connectome mapping of marmoset brains is also on the way.


May 10th, 2023:

The 5th version of Marmoset Brain Mapping is focusing on the cerebellum. The first part of the 5th version (An anatomical and connectivity atlas of the marmoset cerebellum) is now released and published on Cell Reports as the Cover Paper. Congratulations to Xiaojia Zhu


Dec 1st, 2022:

The 4th version of Marmoset Brain Mapping ("An integrated resource for functional and structural connectivity of the marmoset brain") is officially released and published on Nature Communications. The MBMv4 provided a large awake resting-state fMRI data, intergrated neuronal tracing data, functional brain networks, and connectivity-based cortical parcellations. Thanks to the great international collaboration and congratulations to Dr. Xiaoguang Tian

The Resources


Multi-modal MRI data providing unprecedented resolution and details

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Most complete atlases of marmoset brain based on ultra-high resoultion dMRI


Online tools facilitating viewing marmoset neuroanatomy and connectome

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About the Project

Marmoset Brain Mapping Project

Since 2016

The Marmoset Brain Mapping Project was launched in Nov. 2016, aiming at building comprehensive marmoset brain atlases and tools to facilitate neuroimaging and translational studies.

With supports and helps from multiple labs and teams, including
- Cirong Liu's lab (ION/CAS): Xiaojia Zhu, Fufui Feng
- Afonso Silva's lab (NINDS/NIH): Afonso Silva, John Newman, Cecil Yen, Diego Szczupak, and Xiaoguang Tian;
- David Leopold's lab (NIMH/NIH): David Leopold, and Frank Ye;
- @MarmosetBrainConnectityAtlas: Marcello Rosa, and Piotr Majka;
- AFNI (NIMH/NIH): Daniel Glen;
- Zhifeng Liang's lab and CEBSIT MRI Facility (ION/CAS);
- Gustavo Deco's lab (UPF): Gustavo Deco and Yonatan Sanz Perl

We are making significant progress during these years, not only in developing atlases for mapping the marmoset brain, but also in pushing the resolution limit of non-human primate MRI. These efforts resulted in useful atlases and tools for the marmoset research and valuable MRI data that can be of interests to researchers who are in the MRI research field.

Via this website, we would like to share all of our fruits, including raw data, to the research community. Our "effort-tree" is still growing, and we hope the current and future fruits will promote open-science and contribute to neuroscience research of marmosets.


Cirong Liu
Principal Investigator
Lab of Translational Brain Imaging
Institute of Neuroscience
Chinese Academy of Sciences


Cirong LIU LAB

Institute of Neuroscience
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Xiaoguang Tian

Department of Neurobiology
University of Pittsburgh

Afonso Silva LAB

Department of Neurobiology
University of Pittsburgh

David Leopold LAB

National Institute of Mental health
National Institutes of Health

Marcello Rosa LAB

Monash University

Piotr Majka LAB

Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology

Zhifeng Liang LAB

Institute of Neuroscience
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Gustavo Deco LAB

Computational Neuroscience Group
Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Key Contributors

Frank Ye

The Neurophysiology Imaging Facility

John Newman


Cecil Yen


Diego Szczupak

Neuroanatomy and Neurotracing
Department of Neurobiology
University of Pittsburgh

Daniel Glen


Furui Feng

Web Developer
2022.01-2022.06 Intern
Institute of Neuroscience



The Atlas V5 (Part-1) was released and published on Cell Reports as the Cover Paper (Vol 42, Issue 5).


The Atlas V4 was officially released and published on Nature Communications.


The Atlas V3 was released and published on a Special Issue (Non-human Primate Neuroimaging) of Neuroimage.


The Atlas V2 and associated MRI data were published on Nature Neuroscience as the Cover Paper (Vol.23, No.2).


The Marmoset Brain Mapping website are online.


We presented the new dMRI data and reported our progress of building the atlas V2 at SfN2018 (Nanosymposium).


The Atlas V1 was released and published online on Neuroimage as the Cover Paper (Vol.169, 2018 April).


We presented the Atlas V1 at SfN2017 (Dynamic Poster).


The Marmoset Brain Mapping Project was launched.